Goddess Gwen - Sexy Executrix Mind Fuck

Duration: 6:20 Views: 22 044 Submitted: 7 years ago More Porn With Her! Submitted by:
Description: You want to know what I do for a living? I sell life insurance policies strictly for men. Most of my clients find me, they are immediately enthrawled with me, I am beautiful and brilliant and oh so talented with a pen. I convince my clients to get the largest policy they can afford, some go beyond what thay can actually afford, just to impress me. Its so cute! These suckers will sign anything I hand them! They dont even realize Ive made myself the beneficiary! I wait a few months for them to pay into the policy, and then I take them out. Ya its actually quite simple, and I can make it look like an accident every time! Some of these guys have severe food allergies, they usually carry an EPI pen with them everywhere they go just in case, well one time or another, this guy forgot his EPI Pen on the WRONG day! I had no idea he was deathly allergic to peanuts when I let him lick that peanutbutter flavored lotion off my toes! Then there was this one guy who was …

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