BratPrincess – Amadahy – Fucks Domestic Cuck into Submission before Tea Party

Duration: 16:37 Views: 24 759 Submitted: 6 years ago More Porn With Her! Submitted by:
Description: Amadahy’s tea party is just hours away. It has to be perfect, but the efforts of Amadahy’s domestic cuckold are not up to par. There are streaks on the counter, not impressive to Amadahy, and certainly not something She wants Her girlfriends to see. Amadahy makes the cuck stick its tongue out and lick the dirty streaks from the counter. The cuck makes a big fuss. Amadahy ignores its fussing and chastises it. She takes an apple and puts it in the cucks mouth to shut it up. Then She goes around the kitchen finding flaws. Most outrageously, the cucumber sandwiches have not been made. Amadahy is very serious about Her cucumber sandwiches. A cucumber sandwich cannot ever be improperly made, or worse yet, completely absent. That’s it. Clearly, the cuck needs to be fucked and beaten back into its lowly lot in life. Amadahy begins to whip her cuck and it goes back to its petulant fussing. She demands it repeat after Her, but with the apple in its mouth it is incoherent. Amadahy whips it harder for again not completing Her request. She repeats Her instructions for the party preparations over and over as She beats the cuck. The cuck is so stupid, She has to literally beat the message into him and She’s sick of having to correct the dummy. Amadahy pulls one of her largest cocks out of the drawer. She doesn’t care if she splits the cuck’s asshole wide open. It has to learn to listen somehow. Amadahy thrusts Her cock into the cuck’s mouth first. It gags and fusses, but the real suffering hasn’t even started. Amadahy takes the cucks tight asshole. The cuck howls and makes a lot of pain noises. It’s obviously extremely uncomfortable for the cuck. Amadahy laughs. She fucks him anyway. The cuck really struggles. His face is covered in sweat and he won’t stop crying. Amadahy can see his pain and fucks him even harder. When she’s finished, Amadahy sends the cuck back to cleaning. The cuck cries as it resumes sweeping. Amadahy looks adorable in her polka dot dress. Note, there is a small spot of dried red on the camera lens throughout this whole clip, but it isn’t distracting. It’s from when the cuck’s body opened up in a previous whipping scene we had shot, and we forget to clean the lens afterwards. (16:37 long)

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