Ex Girlfriend Affirmations (Cruel Mindfuck)
Welcome back to another video you fucking loser. Today you’re going to do something a bit fucked up. You’re going to be stroking your dick as you humiliate and degrade the fuck out of yourself for your ex girlfriend. That’s right you fucking loser! This video is going to break your heart and mind fuck your brain into oblivion to make sure you never forget about ex girlfriend. I want to completely fuck you over in life and make sure you never forget about the girl who broke your heart and destroyed you. I know it sounds evil, but me and you both know this is what you deserve for fucking up and being such a worthless pathetic loser. I want to make sure you never forget about the girl who mentally fucked and crushed your brain into being a worthless fucking heart broke loser. You deserve to mind fuck and corrupt your beta brain into reminiscing and never forgetting about your fucking ex. This video is going to break your heart some more. but your dick will throb and get hard knowing that is permanently damaging and leaving an imprint on your broken psyche. Before we start the affirmations, I want you to get a picture up of your ex girlfriend up on your computer or phone. If for whatever reason you can’t do this, then I want you to imagine her face in your head instead. As you repeat each affirmation, I want you to look directly at her as you repeat each degrading affirmation, imagining her laughing at how fucking pathetic you are for doing this. Now that you’ve got your ex girlfriend's face in your mind, let’s begin with the mindfuckery and destruction of your heart you fucking bitch. Time for the first affirmation. Repeat after me as you stroke to your ex girlfriend you poor little reject!
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